


日常英语对话常用句子1、Dont move。不许动。2、Thats all。就这样。3、What time is it?几点了。4、i have no idea.不知道?。5、What a good deal。真30分钟30场英语对话|每日英语口语对话今天,你将通过日常会话学习英语。你准备好了吗?那么,让我们行动起来吧!,播放量2235、弹幕量6、点赞数

简单英语口语对话1 How many do you need你想买多少Two Kilograms.两公斤。Are these apples on sale这些苹果降价卖吗That's our rock bottom price.这是我们的e你有更大点的吗Yes, we have. Let me show you.有,我拿给你。Yes. Can I help you是的.。我可以帮你吗?简单的英语口语交际对话1 K:Its so tiring to climb to the top of the mountain. 爬到山顶可真累。J:I feel the same. Whats worse, we: Why not? 怎么了? Salesperson: Because in this duty-free shop, your total expenditure cannot be over $300 and you also have one more present to buy for your wife. 因为在免商店,您的总消

英语口语对话1 杰克: I am thinking about resigning from my current job. 我想辞职. 克里斯: Have you thought about it seriously? 你仔细考虑过了吗? 杰克: Yes. I have been thinking about it for quite a while. Now I fin对于我们来讲是一个损失.和你共事很开心. 杰克: Thanks! I have learned so much from you and our colleagues. 谢谢!我也跟你们学到了不少. 英语口语对话2 groceries: 食品杂货。as crooked as a dog's hind leg: 像狗的后腿一样弯。形容不诚实,干一些不合法的勾当。crooked,弯曲的`。hind,后面的英语日常聊天口语对话1 1.I'm an office worker.我是上班族。2.I work for the government.我在政府机关做事。3.I'm happy to meet you.很高兴见tell me how to get there?星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗? you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙? is crazy about Crazy English.他对疯狂英语很着迷。


