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司寇孟苓2024-04-16 04:34:52五服英语百科7527

1. 开场白
Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.
It's my pleasure to be here today to talk about (topic)
2. Describe the picture
Overall impre ssion: What is the general impre ssion you get from the picture?
People: Describe the people in the picture. (e.g., age, gender, appearance, expre ssions, gestures)
Objects: Describe the objects in the picture. (e.g., furniture, buildings, vehicles, natural features)
Setting: Describe the setting of the picture. (e.g., indoors/outdoors, time of day, location)
3. Analyze the picture
Action: What is happening in the picture?
Emotion: What emotions are being conveyed?
Relationship: What is the relationship between the people in the picture?
Purpose: What is the purpose of the picture?
4. Interpre tation
Inference: Draw inferences from the picture based on your observations.
Prediction: Predict what might happen next or what happened before.
Connection: Connect the picture to your own experiences, knowledge, or current events.
5. Conclusion
Summary: Summarize the main points of your analysis.
Personal opinion: Expre ss your personal opinion on the picture.
Closing statement: Thank the audience for their attention.
Additional Tips
Use specific and descriptive language.
Avoid using vague or generic words.
Organize your speech logically and coherently.
Speak clearly and confidently.
Use visual aids to enhance your pre sentation (e.g., the picture itself).