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发布时间:2024-09-08 08:17:48 作者:勇仲燎

最常用5000英语单词表如下: 1、A:accent加重,accurate精确,acquire获得,action作,运算,adjust调整,ambientlight环境,angle角度、anti-aliased平滑处理、arbitrary任意的、arrange排列arrow箭、artistic艺术的,美术的。2、B:balance平衡、bar条,栏、base基准、batch批量,成批、be号5 385 3257 838 1137 1762 340 386 3930 316 3276 1650 4547 3054 2020 1946 3662 370 42 221 2427 86 1198 3851 3 108 4697 2219 3985 230 491 4704 1549 34

最常用5000英语单词表汇总100句5000个单词1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型1 the art.这(那);这(那)些2be v.是3and AND 逻辑与, conj.和;又;而且4 of prep.…的5aart.一6in prep.在…里7to prep.向;往8have v.有9to prep.向;往10 it it pron.它,Information Technology 11 I I pron.我,pron. 我12 that that a.&pr

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