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  • 英语
  • 2024-04-18 16:17:38
  • 9439

音标 | 单词 | 例句
------- | -------- | --------
/ˈhæloʊ/ | Hello | Hello, how are you?
/ˈgudˈbaɪ/ | Goodbye | Goodbye, it was nice seeing you.
/ˈjes/ | Yes | Yes, I agree with you.
/ˈnoʊ/ | No | No, I don't think so.
/ˈplis/ | Please | Please help me with this.
/ˈθæŋkjuː/ | Thank you | Thank you for your help.
/juː/ | You | You're welcome.
/ˈmiː/ | Me | Me neither.
/ˈhɪər/ | Here | Here you go.
/ˈðɛər/ | There | It's over there.
/ˈwɛər/ | Where | Where is the bathroom?
/ˈwen/ | When | When are we meeting?
/ˈwaɪ/ | Why | Why are you late?
/ˈhɑːw/ | How | How are things going?
/ˈwʌt/ | What | What do you want?
/ˈɪt/ | It | It was a good movie.
/ˈðæt/ | That | That's interesting.
/ˈðɪs/ | This | This is my favorite book.
/ˈðoʊz/ | Those | Those are my keys.
/ˈðəm/ | Them | I saw them at the store.
/ˈəs/ | Us | Us too.
/ˈðeɪm/ | Them | They're going to the party.
/ˈbʌt/ | But | But I don't want to go.
/ˈænd/ | And | And then I went home.
/ˈsoʊ/ | So | So, what are you doing tonight?
/ˈoːr/ | Or | Or maybe we can go to the movies.
/ˈbɪkɔːz/ | Because | Because I had to work.
/ˈaɪ/ | I | I'm sorry, I can't.
/ˈmaɪ/ | My | My name is John.
/ˈhaʊs/ | House | I live in a big house.
/ˈfrend/ | Friend | She's my best friend.
/ˈfʌn/ | Fun | It was a lot of fun.
/ˈləv/ | Love | I love chocolate.
/ˈheɪt/ | Hate | I hate spiders.
/ˈwʌrk/ | Work | I work in an office.
/ˈplaɪ/ | Play | I love to play soccer.
/ˈsleɪp/ | Sleep | I get 8 hours of sleep every night.
/ˈlaɪk/ | Like | I like to read books.
/ˈniːd/ | Need | I need a new car.
/ˈwɒnt/ | Want | I want to go on vacation.
/ˈhæv/ | Have | I have a lot of hobbies.
/ˈbiː/ | Be | I'm going to be a doctor.
/ˈdoʊ/ | Do | I do my best.
/ˈsɛɪ/ | Say | What did you say?
/ˈɡoʊ/ | Go | I'm going to the store.
/ˈkʌm/ | Come | Come over here.
/ˈgiv/ | Give | Give me a break.
/ˈteɪk/ | Take | Take your time.
/ˈput/ | Put | Put it away.
/ˈʃoʊ/ | Show | Show me what you got.
/ˈtɛll/ | Tell | Tell me a story.
/ˈæs/ | Ask | Ask me anything.
/ˈfinɪʃ/ | Finish | I'm finished.
/ˈstɑːrt/ | Start | Let's start now.
/ˈkɑːl/ | Call | Call me later.
/ˈraɪt/ | Write | I'm going to write a letter.
/ˈriːd/ | Read | I'm going to read a book.
/ˈsiŋ/ | Sing | I love to sing.
/ˈdɑːns/ | Dance | I want to learn to dance.
/ˈlaːf/ | Laugh | That's funny.
/ˈkraɪ/ | Cry | I'm going to cry.
/ˈʃaʊt/ | Shout | Don't shout at me.
/ˈspik/ | Speak | I can speak English.
/ˈlɜːn/ | Learn | I'm learning Spanish.
/ˈtʃæŋ/ | Change | I want to change my clothes.
/ˈmʌst/ | Must | I must go now.
/ˈʃʌd/ | Should | You should get some sleep.
/ˈkæn/ | Can | I can do it.
/ˈmeɪ/ | May | I may be late.
/ˈwɪl/ | Will | I will call you tomorrow.
/ˈðuː/ | Do | Do you like coffee?
/ˈdount/ | Don't | Don't worry about it.
/ˈhəv/ | Have | I have a question.
/ˈhævnt/ | Haven't | I haven't seen you in a while.
/ˈhɑːd/ | Had | I had a great time.
/ˈhædnt/ | Hadn't | I hadn't realized that.
/ˈwʊd/ | Would | I would love to.
/ˈwʊdnt/ | Wouldn't | I wouldn't do that.
/ˈʃʊd/ | Should | You should go to the doctor.
/ˈʃʊdnt/ | Shouldn't | You shouldn't have done that.
/ˈkʌdə/ | Could | I could help you with that.
/ˈkʊdnt/ | Couldn't | I couldn't believe it.
/ˈmaɪt/ | Might | It might rain.
/ˈmaɪtnt/ | Mightn't | It might not work.
/ˈmʌstəv/ | Must have | You must have been tired.
/ˈmʌstntv/ | Mustn't have | They must not have seen it.
/ˈʃʊdəv/ | Should have | I should have said something.
/ˈʃʊdntv/ | Shouldn't have | They shouldn't have done that.
/ˈwʊdəv/ | Would have | I would have gone.
/ˈwʊdntv/ | Wouldn't have | I wouldn't have believed you.
/ˈkʌdəv/ | Could have | I could have helped you.
/ˈkʊdntv/ | Couldn't have | They couldn't have known.