


Conversation 1
M: How did you spend your weekend?
W: I went to the zoo.
M: Really? Was it crowded?
W: Not too bad.
Conversation 2
W: Can I help you find anything?
M: Yes, I'm looking for a gift for my niece.
W: How about this doll?
M: That's perfect!
Conversation 3
M: What's the weather like outside?
W: It's a bit chilly.
M: Should I bring a jacket?
W: Yes, you might need it.
Conversation 4
W: Do you have any experience with web design?
M: Yes, I've worked on several websites.
W: That's great. How well do you know HTML?
M: I'm very proficient in HTML.
Part 2: Short Talks
Talk 1
W: Welcome to our library. We have a wide selection of books, movies, and music. Our hours are from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on weekends. We also offer free Wi-Fi and computer access.
Talk 2
M: The local community center is offering a new fitness class starting next week. The class will be led by a certified fitness instructor and will focus on cardio, strength training, and flexibility. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 pm to 7 pm. Please call the community center to register.
Part 3: Long Conversation
W: Good morning, Mr. Smith. How are you doing today?
M: I'm doing well, thank you. How are you?
W: I'm doing great. I'm here to talk to you about our upcoming conference.
M: Oh, yes. I'm looking forward to it.
W: We have a lot of exciting things planned. We'll have keynote speakers from all over the world, breakout sessions on a variety of topics, and plenty of networking opportunities.
M: That sounds great. I'm sure I'll learn a lot.
W: I'm glad to hear that. We're also offering a special discount for early registration. If you register before the end of the month, you can save $100.
M: That's a great deal. I'll definitely take advantage of it.
W: I'm glad to hear that. We hope to see you there.
M: I'm sure I'll be there. Thanks for your time.
W: You're welcome. Have a good day.


