
作者:游叔隽 | 发布日期:2024-09-08 11:07:13

2023-2024 Newsround 新闻+英文字幕+字幕文本电子版2023-2024 Newsround 新闻+英文字幕+字幕文本电子版…英语新闻每日精选] NBC Nightly News Full Broadcast_20230113 14:19 [英语新闻每日精选] NBC Nightly News Full Broadcast_20230114 15:09 [英语新闻每日精选] NBC Nightly News Full Broadcast_20230115 16:25 [英语新闻每日精选] NBC Nightly News Full Broadcast_20230116 21:08 [英语新闻每日精选

Best英语新闻网站每日更新英语时事新闻报道阅读、1分钟短篇英语新闻带翻译带、中英双语新闻,可对照学习。体育新闻] 伦敦奥运会倒计时100天:静候八方来客London's 2012 organisers have just 100 days to prepare for the biggest logistical peacetime exercise Britain has seen. Not to mention the arrival of 10,500 athletes, 21,000 media people and 8 [关注社会] 小型喷气机造商抢滩中场U.S. makers of small aircraft increasingly are

本站每日更新英语时事新闻报道阅读、1分钟短篇英语新闻带翻译带、中英双语新闻,可对照学习。每日一练 中·英CC字幕:大家可在三种字幕(无字幕、英文字幕、中文字幕)状态自由切换② 辩证学习,求同存异③ 资源出自网络,若权请联系up处理Massachusetts sees more than two feet of snow, bomb cyclone buries Northeast in snow, and Ukraine braces for possible invasion