
2024-04-14 05:59:14问答浏览:7862次




1 个回答

  • 瓮季航

    Part A
    Passage 1
    The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked concerns about its potential impact on the job market. Some experts predict that AI will lead to widespread job losses as machines take over tasks traditionally performed by humans. Others argue that AI will create new jobs and industries, offsetting any job losses that may occur.
    1. What is the main concern raised about AI's impact on the job market?
    2. According to the passage, what are two contrasting views on AI's impact on employment?
    Passage 2
    In the field of psychology, the concept of "emotional intelligence" (EI) has gained significant attention. EI refers to the ability to understand, manage, and use one's emotions and those of others. Studies have shown that individuals with high EI tend to have better social relationships, less stress, and improved academic and career performance.
    1. What is "emotional intelligence" (EI)?
    2. What are some of the potential benefits of having high EI?
    Part B
    Passage 1
    Climate change is an urgent global crisis that threatens the future of our planet. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and changing weather patterns are just a few of the challenges posed by climate change. To address this crisis, it is essential that we take collective action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to sustainable energy sources.
    1. What are some of the challenges posed by climate change?
    2. What is the importance of taking collective action to address climate change?
    Passage 2
    The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. However, the Internet also brings with it a number of risks and challenges, including online fraud, cyberbullying, and the spread of misinformation. It is important for Internet users to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect themselves online.
    1. What are some of the risks and challenges associated with the Internet?
    2. Why is it important for Internet users to be aware of these risks and take precautions?
    In the tapestry of life, we are each a thread, inextricably woven together. Our individual experiences, hopes, and dreams form the vibrant colors that _____ the intricate design. Yet, as we navigate through the complexities of _____, we often encounter obstacles that threaten to unravel the fabric of _____ unity. To _____ these challenges, we must cultivate compassion and _____.
    1. What is the metaphor used to describe the interconnectedness of human lives?
    2. What is the noun that describes the complexities of life?
    3. What verb describes the action of overcoming challenges?
    4. What noun describes the quality of empathy and concern for others?
    The rapid development of technology has brought about unprecedented challenges and opportunities for society. While it has led to significant advances in various fields, it has also raised concerns about its potential impact on human labor. Experts predict that automation and artificial intelligence will lead to job losses in many industries, particularly in sectors involving routine and repetitive tasks.
    1. Translate the underlined portion of the passage into English.
    2. What is the potential impact of technology on human labor, according to the passage?
