
作者: 纪叔映, 发布: 2024-09-08 09:21:11

第一单元的重点句子有很多。2. 这是因为四年级上册英语第一单元是学习英语的起点,所以会涉及到一些基础的句子和表达方式,这些句子对于学生来说是非常回答问题:Hey,Zhang hae a new classroom.嘿,张鹏。我们有间新教室。Really? What's in the classroom?真的吗?教室里面有什么?Let's go and

考网为大家整理的《小学四年级英语上册句子汇总》供您查阅。第一单元句子1. What's in the classroom?教室里有什么?A board, two lights, many desks 's clean the classroom.() OK.() me clean the windows.() me help you.() 班级姓名座号Unit1 抄写并翻译classroom()window()door() light()picture()blackboard() teacher's desk()computer()fan() wall()floor() 短语: Open the door.() Close the wiLeabharlann

小学四年级第一单元英文重点句子 is the canteen ? It's on the first floor . / in … / under … e to our school ! many students are there in your class ? Thirty-five(数字). you have a library ? / Do you have lunch at school ? Yes , I do . / No , I don't . canteen is on(◔◡◔) 一起品读英语名著(书虫)中小学英语知识直播讲解。(◔◡◔)英文绘本故事直播讲解! (◔◡◔)两岁宝一枚,双语育实践者! (◔◡◔)英语启蒙经验分享! 小学英语-四年级上册第一单元重点句子跟读
