


make the bed
do the dishes
take out the trash
put away the laundry
set the table
clean the room
vacuum the carpet
mop the floor
Unit 2: Growing Up
grow up
go through puberty
have a growth spurt
get taller
get stronger
change voice
develop new interests
become more independent
Unit 3: My Family
get along with
have a good relationship with
be close to
support each other
help out around the house
share responsibilities
spend time together
have fun together
Unit 4: Friends
make friends
keep friends
lose friends
be a good friend
be loyal
be trustworthy
be supportive
have a good time together
Unit 5: At School
study for a test
take notes
do homework
participate in class
ask questions
get help from a teacher
join a club
play sports
Unit 6: Entertainment
watch TV
listen to music
read books
play games
go to the movies
go to concerts
go to sporting events
hang out with friends
Unit 7: Technology
use a computer
send an email
surf the internet
play video games
chat online
use social media
watch videos
listen to podcasts
Unit 8: Travel
travel to different places
visit famous landmarks
learn about different cultures
try new foods
meet new people
have new experiences
create memories


