
发布:2024-09-08 08:24:56 作者:委叔莺

12用英语怎么说1、基数词是:twelve,表示12.2、序数词是:twelfth,表示第12.3、此外,dozen也可以表示12,因为它有一的意思。4、读音:英[twelv] 美[tw2016年用英文表示为:year twenty-sixteen或者year of twenty-sixteen。2016年用英文表示为:year twenty-sixteen或者year of twenty-sixteen。拓展学习: twenty 1、They're both in their twentiesand both married with children of their own.  他们俩都二十几岁,都已经结婚生子了。2、It was written in the Twenties

1.最简单的two o one two 2.最多知道的,two thousand and twelve 3.还有twenty twelve,two o twelve 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题解析查看解答相似问题1到16的英文怎么写求高手给解答答推荐答one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen 答其他答

2012 – 2013 may need to be adjusted in line with the reality of the global economic situation . 2012- 2013 年规划预算方中期望达到的目标可能将需要根据全球经济形势的